The key functionalities or features of the PCAR toolset are as follows:

PSCAD Model Quality Tests (MQT)

Conducting PSCAD Model Quality Tests (MQT) according to different system operators' requirements, such as ERCOT's model submittal requirements or the ride-through capabilities specified in the IEEE2800 standard. It offers the flexibility to compare MQT results from PSCAD and PSS/e simulations. Additionally, PCAR can automate PSCAD MQT processes for multiple sites simultaneously, streamlining the workflow.

PSCAD parallel simulations

Managing system-wide large-scale PSCAD parallel simulations. PCAR was initially developed to facilitate system-wide PSCAD studies, leveraging 40+ CPU threads to accelerate the parallel PSCAD simulations. The toolset can import PSS/e power flow results to initialize the PSCAD parallel cases, manage the PSCAD simulation processes, and create visualization plots for post-simulation engineering analysis.

Impedance scans for PSCAD models

Implementing impedance scans for plant-level PSCAD models. The results from this toolset provide the foundation for advanced frequency domain stability analyses or traditional Sub-Synchronous Resonance (SSR)/Sub-Synchronous Control Interaction (SSCI) evaluations. These analyses are crucial in certain interconnection regions with high IBR penetration to prevent operational instabilities.

Playback framework in the PSCAD platform

Providing a playback framework in the PSCAD platform for model validation purposes. It allows users to validate the performance of individual EMT models using input data from system-wide EMT simulations or high-speed Digital Fault Recording (DFR) devices. This functionality ensures model accuracy without compromising system-side information.